Accelerate Makes Affiliate Simple For Online Retailers

Want to learn more about Accelerate? Keep on reading and get in touch.

Online Retailer’s Specialized Marketing Needs Are at the Core of Accelerate

First, Accelerate is a fully-managed program that combines leading retail vertical knowledge with the power of a diverse global publisher network. Second, Accelerate thrives on information, melding the strength of your data with the might of our proprietary purchase data. The bottom line for retailers is that Accelerate simplifies the complexities of affiliate, which brings exceptional growth independent of the retailer’s resources.

Accelerate Enables You To:

  • Grow your program fast: Expand publisher verticals, launch new products, or increase cross-border reach. With Accelerate, online retailers rapidly benefit from new sources of reliable revenue.
  • Optimize your campaigns continuously: When you trust Rakuten Advertising’s experts with the day-to-day operation of your affiliate program, you get continual program optimization, which is vital to achieving substantial affiliate success.
  • Manage your resources efficiently: With Accelerate, you pass the management and decision-making of your program to Rakuten Advertising’s team. This allows you to reallocate resources to other critical areas.

Get Your Retail-focused Affiliate Review

Find New Opportunities

Our expert analysts review the historical performance of your existing and past programs, identifying opportunities to unlock the true potential of your affiliate efforts.

Get a Forecast

You receive a revenue-goal forecast, achievable under Accelerate, coupled with a proposed cost of sale that includes all publisher commission and Rakuten Advertising fees.

Accelerate Makes Affiliate Simple For Online Retailers

With expertise in everything from fashion to cosmetics and accessories to footwear, Accelerate can dramatically increase your affiliate revenue, even if you don’t have the resources to run a full-featured affiliate program. Let us show you what Accelerate can do for you today.