
The Affiliate Funnel: From Prospects to Purchase

Reaching Customers in the Right Place at the Right Time Has Never Been More Important.

To help brands maximise their affiliate partnerships throughout the path to purchase, Rakuten Advertising has created an interactive timeline showcasing real examples of affiliate publishers across Asia-Pacific.

Uncover how different affiliate models, that traverse traditional and emerging channels, can be used to effectively find, convert and retain customers. Plus, find out what products Rakuten Advertising has to offer along the way.

Discover how to maximise your affiliate program’s performance today.

What You’ll Uncover:

New Partnership Opportunities

Discover new publishers and explore potential partnerships to enhance your affiliate program.

The Right Tech for the Right Tactics

Find out how Rakuten Advertising’s data-driven technology helps you reach customers and reward publishers at every stage of the customer journey.

Full-funnel Affiliate Strategies

Learn how different affiliate models, from content to coupons, can add value to your performance marketing strategy.

The Affiliate Funnel: From Prospects to Purchase

Affiliate marketing has evolved well beyond the last click. Now it is instrumental through the entire customer journey, from awareness to advocacy and every step in between.