Case Studies

Rakuten Advertising, SHEIKE & Upsellit

Overcoming Cart Abandonment with AI

The Results

Rakuten Advertising introduced Upsellit to the SHEIKE affiliate program as a way to drive scale and overcome cart abandonment challenges. The results have exceeded SHEIKE’s expectations. Upsellit is now a top-performing publisher on the SHEIKE affiliate program and continues to demonstrate the importance of tech solution partners through strong performance. The results speak for themselves:


of new customers


of total sales



About the Brands

SHEIKE, established in 1979, is a family-owned Australian fashion brand with over 50 nationwide stores and a robust online presence. Founded by George Lazaridis, SHEIKE empowers women through affordable, high-quality, bold designs, catering to those who find beauty in every moment.

Founded in 2005, Upsellit led by CEO Chris Wampler, pioneered live chat simulation engines and has evolved into a provider of e-commerce conversion optimisation solutions. Upsellit’s mission revolves around unlocking the potential of every site visitor, utilising personalised solutions to boost conversions, order values, and customer retention based on individual motivations and behaviours.

The Story

SHEIKE understood the importance of a diversified publisher portfolio and welcomed recommendations for new partnerships. Having been on the Rakuten Advertising network for just under a year, SHEIKE wanted to scale the program, specifically targeting new customers and focusing on cart abandonment strategies. SHEIKE were particularly interested in working with publishers outside of the standard affiliate model of cashback, voucher and content.

The Rakuten Advertising Solution

Due to their strong performance across the Rakuten Advertising network, a partnership with Upsellit was brokered to ensure SHEIKE achieved scale and growth across Australia.

Shopping Gamified

Upsellit designed a gamified experience that engaged shoppers at the exact moment of abandonment. Using SHEIKE’s existing free shipping offer, Upsellit segmented its target audience based on cart value and calculated the difference between shoppers’ cart value and the minimum required for free shipping.

AI-driven Product Recommendations

For those under the free shipping threshold, Upsellit strategically emphasised the additional amount required to unlock free shipping. Harnessing the power of its AI-driven product recommendation engine, Upsellit offered personalised recommendations that seamlessly complemented the contents of shoppers’ carts, meeting the criteria for free shipping. This campaign converted 21.56% of shoppers.

Increasing Order Value

For shoppers who had already surpassed the free shipping threshold, Upsellit not only celebrated this accomplishment but also leveraged its AI-driven recommendations to offer targeted product recommendations to increase shoppers’ order value. This dual approach converted 22.75% of shoppers.

Implementing Upsellit onto SHEIKE has been a game-changer for our affiliate channel. From the very beginning, their performance exceeded our expectations, quickly becoming one of our top publishers for revenue. Upsellit and the Rakuten Advertising team have been highly responsive and proactive, ensuring our campaigns are optimised for maximum impact. We are thrilled with the results and look forward to a continued successful collaboration beyond the initial trial period.

Bellamie Hansen
Senior eCommerce Manager

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