Case Studies

AllSaints & Neo Media World

Expanding into North America with affiliate marketing


The program produced results that outperformed growth goals:


YoY revenue growth in the US


YoY revenue growth in Canada


Increase in Average ROI


Increase in AOV in the US

Our affiliate program developed in partnership with Neo Media World and Rakuten Advertising drove outstanding results because it is as unique and special as our brand. We proved that affiliate is just as powerful at brand building as it is as a sales driving channel.

Megan Barker
Affiliate Manager at AllSaints

About the Brand

AllSaints is a high-end fashion retailer that focuses on authenticity and sustainability. Since 1994, the womenswear, menswear, and footwear brand has been known for their cult leather jackets and signature biker boots inspired by London’s AllSaints Road in Notting Hill. The brand has generated a loyal following in many parts of the world with 256 stores in 27 countries.

The Story

The global brand wanted to increase their North American customer base and become a household name compared to other apparel retailers. AllSaints’ agency, Neo, turned to the affiliate marketing channel to increase a loyal customer following that could continue to expand the AllSaints brand awareness and performance goals in the US and Canada.

The Rakuten Advertising Solution

Leveraging Rakuten Advertising’s diverse publisher base, Neo generated a full-funnel strategy to drive extraordinary growth for AllSaints. This strategy focused on:


Finding style-appropriate partners in all stages of the buyer’s journey through Neo’s expertise and Rakuten Advertising’s network.


Targeted and formed successful brand-to-brand partnerships with established and high-growth publishers who share AllSaints’ brand values.


Diversified the brand’s partner mix beyond traditional coupon and loyalty sites by identifying publishers across Cashback, Loyalty, Coupon, Fintech, Mainstream Content, Subnetworks, Student Communities, Influencers, and Shopper Discovery.


Implementing a data-driven approach to commission optimization to maintain the brand’s competitiveness throughout the year.

Neo Media World is thrilled to have partnered with AllSaints in the quest of modernizing and expanding AllSaints’ North American affiliate program. With Neo’s expertise, we’ve been able to establish a more strategic approach across North America, where we’ve built relationships with our publishers and formed mutually beneficial partnerships. Neo expanded the AllSaints affiliate program beyond traditional bottom-funnel partnerships and last-click measurement by engaging with strategic partners who reach and influence our consumers throughout their decision journey. We are excited to partner with Rakuten Advertising to evolve and elevate the AllSaints affiliate program!

Luca Kim
Director – Affiliate Marketing & Performance Partnerships at Neo Media World

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