
Trending in Australia

Did you know that 56% of Australians shop online once a week or more?

At Rakuten Advertising, we know what’s trending in Australia in 2023. We know influencers do influence purchase decisions, and making data-led decisions is key to outthinking and outperforming the competition.

Introducing the ‘Trending in Australia’ report.

In this report you will learn:

  • What categories Australians are spending on this year (hint: Travel is a big one)
  • Top sources of inspiration and conversion activatable through performance marketing
  • Data-backed Aussie personas and how to engage with them
  • How to use these insights to outthink and outperform your competition

We believe affiliate marketing is driven by the right facts, the right people, the right brands and ultimately, the right performance. Sure, we’ve got the technology – but, more importantly, we’ve got the creativity and intuition to outthink the industry.

Find out what influences, inspires and converts Australian consumers today.

What you’ll uncover:

Inspiring Insights

Find out what Australians are buying and how they prefer to shop in 2023.

Australian Personas

Meet today’s Aussie consumers—Kylie, Liam, Nicole and Hugh—and discover the best ways to reach them.

Advanced Strategies

Use our data, technology and ecosystem to connect with Australian consumers and beyond.

Trending in Australia

We know Aussies. So you know how to outperform.

Good news, Australians love to shop online. View our latest report to uncover how Aussies shop, what they buy and where affiliate marketing can help.