Find your next traveller with our affiliate marketing platform

Top hotels, airlines, cruise lines, tour groups, booking sites and more partner with us for our travel-publisher diversity, audience scale and technology.

Build strategic partnerships that outperform

We leverage our vast travel partner network – from content, comparison sites, and loyalty platforms – to drive new customer acquisition.
  • Build an affiliate program tailored for each region and customer segment
  • Access all major subnetworks, including Skimlinks and Sovrn (formerly Viglink)

Our technology uncovers new opportunities, insights, dynamic commissioning

Commissioning suite: Grow strategic partnerships with a suite of sophisticated commissioning tools
  • Coupon code commissioning to control costs
  • Dynamic commissioning to build customised payment structures
  • Enhanced Order Locking to pay after travellers complete their trips
  • Multi-Touch commissioning to reward your publishers throughout the funnel
  • Data that provides insights into your customers

One digital strategy across channels

Optimise your travel affiliate campaign with multi-channel insights. Find your next traveller using our programmatic display, paid search or social solutions, and build a holistic campaign to maximise performance.
  • Stand out from the crowd with paid search
  • Unlock unique audiences and scale programs with programmatic
  • Find new audiences with new and emerging media

Offering over 20 travel-specific transaction fields to uncover crucial insights:

Fare type

See which publishers drive high-performing customer segments.

Destination location

Identify which publishers are most effective at promoting travel from specific regions.

Property/location type

Discover which publishers are reaching travellers most likely to stay at your accommodations.

Product features

Incentivise partners with linkless code tracking

Reach new travellers with online and offline publishers, including podcasts and influencers.

Maximise success with placement recommender

Simulate performance at the click of a button, complete with forecasted budgets and ROAS.

Measure up to the competition with benchmarking

Compare programme performance against competitors and assess overall performance within your industry.

Strategy, travel expertise and unique solutions

Our award-winning strategic service teams advise throughout campaign setup and delivery.

Data science and advanced analytics to mine key insights.

Publisher recruitment and development for a high-performing programme.

Day-to-day programme management and optimisation to save time.

Integration and onboarding support services to get your programme up in record time.

Get in touch to learn more

Our travel industry affiliate experts will work with you to develop unique opportunities.