Case Studies

LOJEL & Perform[cb]

Driving Growth for LOJEL with Perform[cb]


LOJEL’s newly developed affiliate marketing strategy far exceeded all expectations. Their program was implemented in Q3 2022 and results showed success by Q4 in the same year. Rakuten Rewards, Wickfire, and Prodege were just a few of the partners that found success with this program. The results spoke for themselves:


Increase in Revenue QoQ


Increase in Sales QoQ


Increase in AOV QoQ

Our brand has long recognized the importance of having an affiliate marketing program for increasing our footprint and acquiring customers. We were less informed, however, about the full scope of putting such a program together and the intricacies of running it. Perform[cb] has shown that they had the expertise and experience, accompanied by an extensive network of publishers with whom they’ve cultivated trusted relationships. Powered by Rakuten Advertising’s robust platform, it didn’t take long after onboarding for us to see results, and today, a considerable fraction of our revenues comprise affiliate sales.

Carlos Magno
Communications & Partnerships Manager at LOJEL

About the Brand

LOJEL is a premium carry essential brand driven by design, innovation, and sustainability. Sold in 15 territories across the globe, it offers an evolving range of travel and everyday collections, from stylish and functional luggage to minimalist leather essentials and adaptable bags made of high-quality recycled fabric.

Perform[cb] is an award-winning provider of premium, full-funnel affiliate management services. Through tailoring unique affiliate programs to a brand’s strategy, goals, and industry, with a custom playbook using proven growth-hacking tactics, their clients see 3x revenue growth and 10x ROAS, all while running 24/7 in-house compliance to keep affiliate programs clean and optimized.

Rakuten Advertising Agency Offering

Rakuten Advertising partners with Perform[cb] to provide agencies with the most in-depth industry analytics, insights, and new publisher developments. Perform[cb] clients get the benefit of both worlds by having the expertise of the Perform[cb] premium affiliate agency team managing their program, with the backing of Rakuten Advertising’s in-house service and support infrastructure.

The Story

LOJEL hadn’t ventured into the world of affiliate marketing. They were eager to test the channel and were searching for the right performance agency and network to help them find the right partners and make the most of their affiliate program. They turned to Perform[cb] Agency for their full-funnel affiliate management services and Rakuten Advertising for our award-winning reporting and tracking capabilities.

The Rakuten Advertising Solution

While building LOJEL’s affiliate marketing strategy was the goal, the teams focused on publisher partnerships to get their program off the ground. Our plan was to build partnerships with publishers that would authentically fit with LOJEL’s goals and product offerings.

With Perform[cb]’s proven partner recruitment playbook and Rakuten’s in-depth reporting, Perform[cb] identified the best-fitting publishers for LOJEL. The partnership helped craft campaigns between LOJEL and the publisher, enabling them to expand into different marketing channels. A regular cadence of reporting and productivity monitoring was set so that any necessary adjustments could be quickly identified and addressed to allow for maximum success.

Since 2022, Perform[cb] has had the opportunity to work alongside LOJEL to massively scale their affiliate program. Utilizing Rakuten Advertising’s tracking platform to further accomplish these results, our Agency team manages a full-funnel affiliate approach for LOJEL, consistently recruiting and optimizing new strategic partnerships to drive incrementality and ROAS. We are excited about LOJEL’s success and look forward to seeing continued growth while partnering with Rakuten Advertising!

Jade Kent
Growth Manager at Perform[cb]

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